PennDOT District 6-0 Regional Traffic Management Center
King of Prussia, PA
Pennsylvania Department of General Services
$60 million
May 2023 (estimated)
In King of Prussia (Montgomery County), Pennsylvania on the site of PennDOT’s District 6-0’s Engineering office, a Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC) facility has been built, replacing an existing parking garage facility and office building. The RMTC will house a state-of-the-art traffic control center and directly connect to the District’s Engineering office. Additionally, the project included the construction of a new parking garage.
RIG Consulting, Inc. as a sub-consultant, is providing Quality Management services for the project. In this role, RIG’s Building Construction Manager interfaces with the Design Build General Contractor’s Superintendent daily to discuss planned construction activities. Additional services include, oversight of all construction activities, observing inspection and testing performed, reviewing all inspection and testing documentation to verify compliance with design, specifications, and quality, reviewing contractor material submittals for compliance with specifications and “Buy America” requirements, document job site progress, progress reports, and attending project progress meetings.